Monday, June 21, 2010

Assignment 10 - Twitter

Following Twitter. TPL and FIFA, looks alot like this.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Youtube and the Library - Post 8

There are plenty of youtube videos on libraries, some remind me of going to training and others are simply there to be funny. Below are some of the shorter more interesting ones.

Librarian Lays Down the Law

What is the future of the library?

Sesame Street: Cookie Monster In The Library

Assignment 7: podcasts

Having not really explored these broadcasts until now I was surprised that I do find a use for them. Since I find I don't listen to the radio anymore the Podcast "MP3 Blog Podast Planet" I found under the music section of Podcast Alley is very useful for it samples the newest music available. Another interesting Podcast is called "10 minute lessons" which I found under Arts with useful information as sea mussles in Ireland can live to be 285 and always use direct questions when speaking with the elderly for clarity. CBC Radio Toronto I found outside the Alley, and doesn't seem to be as good or up to date with postings happening infrequently.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

web 2.0 assignment 6 - google docs

It's an interesting concept when you consider all the e-waste that is out there. However at this point in time it would be in the best interest of the organisation to stick with Word as Docs lacks some of the sophistication that Word has developped. However, there is another feature called Google Calendar which offers actual cost savings. Having had to order paper calendars in the past that multiple people frequently edit, a free computerized version would save us time and money.